Tuesday, April 7, 2015

When You Assume....

Trivia has happened.

As I was not there to observe it, a variety of outcomes could have occurred, from the mundane to the harrowing. Would could have happened? Did Lady Stoneheart appear with fearsome creatures to catpture the only Frey apologists amongst us?

Not only are spider pugs not canon, they're ridiculous.

 Would a team pull a red trivia and are pretending to be the guys in their emails to me telling me things to lull me into a false sense of security? 

"She's asking for a round? 'Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream..."
Or did Ramsay and R'hllor beat Fire and Lunch by a mere two points? Ha! The mere suggestion is laughable. And it appears to be the correct one, unless the evil LARPers are fans of Ramsay and R'hllor and this is an elaborate trap in aid of something.

All the same, see you next Sunday for the last night of trivia!

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